If you are a web site owner or developer working for a not-for-profit organisation in Australia, you may be interested in learning about the benefits of using "VANguard FAS" for your online services. VANguard FAS stands for "VANguard Federated Authentication Service", and it is a solution that enables users to access multiple government portals with their existing network login. This means they do not need to remember multiple passwords or create new accounts for each service they use.
Some of the benefits of using VANGuard FAS are:
It is cost-effective and secure, as you do not need to invest in or maintain your own authentication infrastructure or network.
It is reliable and compliant, as it has a 99.99% service availability and meets the standards of the Protective Security Policy Framework, National E-Authentication Framework and Information Security Registered Assessor Program.
It is user-friendly and convenient, as users can use their familiar network login across different government services, saving them time and effort.
It is flexible and adaptable, as it supports various authentication methods and protocols, such as SAML 2.0, WS-Federation and OpenID Connect.
If you want to know more about how VANGuard FAS works and how you can integrate it with your web site, you can visit the Department of Industry, Science and Resources website or contact them for more information. VANGuard FAS is one of the services offered by VANGuard, which also provides timestamping and digital certificates for government transactions.
VANGuard FAS is a great way to enhance your web site's security and usability, while also simplifying your authentication management. By using VANGuard FAS, you can provide your users with a seamless and consistent experience across different government online services.